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Fort Lauderdale Roof Ventilation To Ensure Proper Air Circulation

Roof ventilation

While a properly working air conditioning system keeps your residence and place of business cool and comfortable, it's important to make sure the system isn't being overworked. Proper roof ventilation for your Fort Lauderdale property ensures you're keeping cool but also not putting undue stress system on your conditioned air setup.

That space between your ceiling and roof isn't something to be ignored. If your cooling bills seem high and your air conditioner seems to be running around the clock, then it's time to do something about it. Panela Roofing is the premier roofing contractor for Fort Lauderdale, and we'll come in and inspect your ventilation system and devise a plan tailored specifically to your needs.

Effective roof ventilation will:

  • Extend the life of your roof
  • Reduce energy costs
  • Prevent damage to shingles and prevent cracking

But how do you know which ventilation system is best for your home or commercial property? And how much of a disruption will it cause if you move forward with a project that would require adding roof vents? These are questions best answered by the professionals at Panela Roofing.

Roof Vents & Attic Venting Services

Roof ventilation is an effective and efficient way to help regulate the temperature of your property, but only when installed correctly. If you have a venting system but it just doesn't seem to be doing the job, it's important to let a professional handle this important job.

Panela Roofing not only installs roofs, we also offer roof repairs and a full slate of roofing services. Among them are roof vents and attic venting services.

How is this accomplished? It's no secret that hot air rises. Considering this elementary but vital fact, proper ventilation requires that fresh air is able to find its way into the attic space while allowing stale air to get out.

The placement of ventilation near the bottom of the attic space at the soffits or eaves and at the top peaks or ridges of your attic space will allow this to happen.

Attic Fans Keep Things Cool

Attic fans will dramatically reduce the air temperature in stuffy attic spaces. It also improves air circulation by venting moist, stale air, which prevents mold and mildew growth and potential structural damage.

Panela Roofing's team of experts stands ready to discuss with you the available options for attic fan installation and the general improvement of your roof ventilation features. We'll go over the cost, the possible role insurance will play, the timeline for completion, and future maintenance.

And in the end, you'll enjoy a more efficient cooling system sure to keep you and your family comfortable for years to come.

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